Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Day 3 with Jade

Day three with the baby started out better. She still clings like crazy but she will laugh and babble and play as long as she can be very close to me. She won't leave me at all. She's so small! You cannot even imagine until you see her. I taught her to do patty cake yesterday and she's starting to wave when I say to wave. Jack and I were doing rasberries to her and she was trying to imitate that. She still smiles often too as long as I'm close. She didn't get much sleep last night so night time tonight was rough! It took about an hour for her to finally fall asleep. We tried everything but I think in the end she was just wore out and fell asleep despite all of our best efforts! We just have to keep trying though. She's just the sweetest little thing!


amraprosie said...

I am so excited for you! I love reading the blog. The stroller is all cleaned up and ready for you guys. I'll be back easter night and can bring it over on Monday. Just let me know. Rosie

Holly said...

Hi Kinzie Family!
Ran into Joan yesterday and she updated me on your journey. Finally read your blog...and God custom made Jade for you!
Can't wait for Jade to join us for our monthly "girls get-togethers". And don't worry, soon she will be Daddy's girl!
Love, Holly

Unknown said...

Hi, you don't know me, but I happened upon your blog. What an exciting journey. I can't wait to read more! God Bless you and your new family!!